This movie is a satirical and comedic look at the legend of Zorro. In the late part of the eighteenth century, the peasants of old California were oppressed by tyrannical landowners. The original Zorro, Don Diego de la Vega, is captured and imprisoned just as Spain concedes California to Santa Anna. 20 years go by and his mortal enemy, Don Rafael Montero, returns to California with a plan to become wealthy at the expense of the peasants. El Zorro es un personaje creado en 1919 por Johnston McCulley. Es considerado uno de los primeros hroes de ficcin de la cultura moderna. El personaje ha aparecido en numerosos libros, pelculas, series de televisin y otros medios de comunicacin. The original caped crusader is back! Antonio Banderas and Academy Award(r)winner Catherine ZetaJones (2002, Best Supporting Actress, Chicago) return for more swashbuckling action, adventure and excitement in the explosive cinematic thrillride, THE LEGEND OF ZORRO. The original caped crusader is back! Antonio Banderas and Academy Awardwinner Catherine ZetaJones (2002, Best Supporting Actress, Chicago) return for more swashbuckling action, adventure and excitement in the explosive cinematic thrillride, THE LEGEND OF ZORRO. After fighting to help California become the 31st state of the Union, Zorro promises his wife Elena that he will give up his secret identity and live a normal life as Alejandro. The Legend of Zorro summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links. The Legend of Zorro Continues: Each subsequent version of the Zorro legend fits into one of two categories. The first type of Zorro story is when the title character is the original Zorro himself and the story is the retelling of or a variation of the original legend. Die Legende des Zorro (Originaltitel: The Legend of Zorro) ist ein USamerikanischer Abenteuerfilm aus dem Jahr 2005 von Regisseur Martin Campbell mit Antonio Banderas in der Hauptrolle. Der Film ist die Fortsetzung von Die Maske des Zorro aus dem Jahr 1998. Zorro ( renard en espagnol) est un personnage de fiction, justicier masqu vtu de noir, cr en 1919 par Johnston McCulley. Il a ensuite inspir de nombreuses uvres. Zorro (mot qui signifie renard en espagnol) est un personnage de fiction cr en 1919 par Johnston McCulley ( ): c'est un justicier masqu vtu de noir qui combat l'injustice dans la ville de Los Angeles, en Californie espagnole (Alta California) ( ) au sein de la NouvelleEspagne, l'poque o Monterey en tait la capitale. The original caped crusader is back! Antonio Banderas and Academy Award(r)winner Catherine ZetaJones (2002, Best Supporting Actress, Chicago) return for more swashbuckling action, adventure and excitement in the explosive cinematic thrillride, THE LEGEND OF ZORRO. Berttelsen om den maskerade hjlten Zorro. Det var en gng en maskerad hjlte som kmpade fr fred och rttvisa och lmnade sitt mrke p de som stod i vgen. The Legendary Zorro goes off on another adventure to protect the future of California and its citizens. This time, he fights against evildoers with the help of his beautiful wife, Elena, and their precocious young son, Joaquin. Zorro, The Gay Blade is a 1981 swashbuckling comedy film directed by Peter Medak and starring George Hamilton, Lauren Hutton, Ron Leibman, and Brenda Vaccaro. The film was distributed by 20th Century Fox and produced by C. Via its dedication to director Rouben Mamoulian and opening prologue, the film establishes that it is a sequel to 20th Century Fox's. Zorro's Black Whip is a 1944 Republic Pictures film serial starring Linda Stirling. The film was made after the 1940 20th CenturyFox remake of The Mark of Zorro and Republic wasn't able to use the character himself, but still wanted to capitalize on it. However, and despite the title, Zorro does not feature in this serial. The hero(ine) is actually called The Black Whip throughout. Zorro (Volpe in lingua spagnola), il cui vero nome Don Diego de la Vega, un celebre personaggio immaginario, eroico giustiziere mascherato e abile spadaccino, le cui gesta si svolgono nella California del periodo del dominio spagnolo. Zorro fece la sua prima comparsa nel romanzo breve La maledizione di Capistrano (The Curse of Capistrano) di Johnston McCulley, scrittore di riviste pulp. Zorro (spanisch fr Fuchs) ist eine USamerikanische Romanfigur. Die 1919 erstmals verffentlichte Geschichte des Rchers der Armen mit schwarzer Maske und Umhang wurde seit den 1920er Jahren mehrfach verfilmt. Zorro uma srie de produo da Walt Disney baseado no heri mascarado, estreado em 10 de Outubro de 1957 no canal ABC. O final da srie no canal foi em 2 de Junho de 1959. Foram produzidos 78 episdios, alm de 4 especiais de uma hora que foram ao ar entre 30 de Outubro de 1960 e 2 de Abril de 1961 pela antologia de sries de televiso dos Estdios Walt Disney. Zorro (Spaans voor vos) is de naam van een personage uit vele boeken, films en betreft het een gemaskerde held die onrecht en corruptie bestrijdt, en dat erg vaak in het door een Spaanse gouverneur bestuurde, tot Mexico behorende Californi van het Oude Westen voor 1848. Zijn ware identiteit is de rijke jonker Don Diego de la Vega..