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About the Author: Captain Unni Krishnan is a Founder and Director of LearnHive; he is also the Founder and Managing Trustee of Primus Public School, Bangalore. Prior to that he was the Founder and Trustee of Indus International School. The fundamental attributes and challengesbarriers of Additive Manufacturing (AM). The evolution of research on AM with a focus on engineering capabilities. The vision of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar is as follows: To envisage an ambience of excellence, inspiring value based education, research and development in Mechanical Engineering with a commitment to train students with worldclass competency and cuttingedge proficiency to face challenges of global market with confidence. ASME Biennial 1987 Stability and Damped Critical Speeds of a Flexible Rotor in FluidFilm Bearings J. Lund 1 ASME Biennial 1987 Experimental Verification of Torquewhirlthe Destabilizing Influence of Tangential Torque J. 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Journals: Impact Factor: ISSN: Publisher Name: INDIAN JOURNAL OF COMMUNITY HEALTH: 2017 1. 759 (2017): : Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine The Vision of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar is to be a model of excellence for undergraduate and post graduate education and research in the country. Guru Inder Mohan Singh, Chief Operating Officer. Guru Inder, the Founder COO of Amplus Energy, has more than a decade of experience in new business origination, financing, contract negotiation, execution and management of renewable and conventional energy projects. Murli Manohar Joshi (born 5 January 1934) is an Indian politician, a leading member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) of which he was the President between 1991 and 1993, and the current Member of Parliament for Kanpur. He later became the Union Human Resources Development minister in the National Democratic Alliance government. 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The Energy Biosciences Institute (EBI), a partnership institution at the University of California at Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and the University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign, was formed in 2007 with sponsorship from the global energy company BP. dear sir, i am roupya ranjan sahoo. i was apper 2014 ojee (le) and iwas not found any college list and ialso not found my refund fee. i was send my all doucoment to your office gandamunda at the date of 19feb15. i want refund my fee plz sir kindly consider my problem and take the proper action for me..